Picks and Clay Diggers

Chicago Pneumatic

SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Description: CP 0111 CHLA Pic
Description: CP 0222 CHIT Pic
Description: CP 0222 CHITBS Pic
Description: CP 0222 CHOTBS Pic
Description: FL 0022 Clay Digger
Description: FL 0022 S Clay Digger
Description: CP 0111 CHIT Pic
Description: CP 0022 S
Description: CP0122 S
Description: CP 0125 S
Description: CP 0122 SL

Quick Overview

  • CP 0122 and CP 0125: The most powerful pick hammers in the range, weighing 24-31 lb (11-14 kg). They are particularly suitable for working in relatively hard concrete in demolition, pile-capping or bridge deck applications. CP 0122 is available with cap (S model) or latch retainer (SL model) 

  • CP 0111 and CP 0222: Very popular multipurpose picks, with good power-to-weight ratios and latch retainers for quick and easy change of steels. Both CP 0111 and CP 0222 are available with inside or outside trigger, 22-29 lbs (10-13 kg). 

  • FL 0022: Clay digger designed for mining and soft tunneling applications, the FL 0022 is a very slim, easy to handle tool. It is made entirely of steel with quality components for highest power and long lasting reliability. Screw-on retainer with square chucks for clay digging spades, 23-24 lbs (10-11 kg). 

  • “Hushed power” versions – CP S-versions are equipped with mufflers. 
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SKUDescriptionWeightLengthBlows Per MinuteAir ConsumptionVibration level 3 axes (ISO 20643)Chuck sizeShank stdCE
8900000120CP 0111 CHLA Pic13,5590180021-Hex 25x108USANo
8900000141CP 0111 CHIT Pic13,0565180021-Hex 22x82.5USANo
8900000143CP 0122 S11,056513802216,3Hex 22x82.5InternationalYes
8900000148CP 0122 SL13,056013802216,3Hex 22x82.5InternationalYes
8900000146CP 0125 S12,563010801728,7Rd 25x75InternationalYes
8900000121CP 0222 CHIT Pic10,0510150019-Hex 22x82.5InternationalNo
8900000122CP 0222 CHITBS Pic11,051015001919,8Hex 22x82.5InternationalYes
8900000123CP 0222 CHOTBS Pic11,051015001919,8Hex 22x82.5InternationalYes
8900000142CP 0022 S10,549513802216,3Hex 25x75InternationalYes
8900000124FL 0022 Clay Digger10,549513802216,3Sq 19x82InternationalYes
8900000125FL 0022 S Clay Digger11,049513802216,3Sq 19x82InternationalYes

Additional Information

Manufacturer: Chicago Pneumatic
For More Information on the Picks and Clay Diggers, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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