Vibration Reduced Hammers, Picks and Clay Diggers

Chicago Pneumatic

SKU / Product InfoQuantity
Description: CP 0017 SVR 19 x 50
Description: CP 0017 SVR 3R 
Description: CP 0017 SVR 3H
Description: FL 0022 SVR Clay Digger
Description: CP 0122 SVR
Description: CP 0122 SVR
Description: CP 0125 SVR
Description: FL 0022 VR Clay Digger

Quick Overview

  • These tools include a vibration isolator unit but keep the key features of the original CP tools: robustness and good handling, without sacrificing hitting power.    

  • CP 0017 SVR for light demolition, light repair work on concrete, stone and brickwork is ideal also for industrial applications in foundries, steel mills, shipyards etc. 

  • CP 0122 SVR and CP 0125 SVR are the most powerful pick hammers in the range. They are particularly suitable for working in relatively hard concrete in demolition, pile-capping or bridge deck applications.              

  • FL 0022 SVR and FL 0022 VR are vibration reduced clay diggers. They are designed for mining and soft tunneling applications.
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SKUDescriptionWeightChuck SizeAir ConsumptionBlows Per MinuteVibration level 3 axes (ISO 20643)Shank stdCE
8900000135CP 0017 SVR 19 x 509,5Hex. 19 x 5017177012,4InternationalYes
8900000137CP 0017 SVR 3H9,5Hex. 14.7 x 6017177012,4USAYes
8900000136CP 0017 SVR 3R 9,5Rnd. 17,3 x 6017177012,4USAYes
8900000145CP 0122 SVR13,5Hex 22 x 82.521138021,9InternationalYes
8900000144CP 0122 SVR13,5Rd 25 x 7521138021,9InternationalYes
8900000147CP 0125 SVR14,0Rd 25 x 7517108030,1InternationalYes
8900000139FL 0022 SVR Clay Digger13,0Sq. 19 x 8221138021,9-Yes
T025402FL 0022 VR Clay Digger12,5Sq. 19 x 8221138021,9-Yes

Additional Information

Manufacturer: Chicago Pneumatic
For More Information on the Vibration Reduced Hammers, Picks and Clay Diggers, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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